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Frequently Asked Questions


1.How to verify if a EWF Diploma or Certificate is valid?


The only way to verify if a certain EWF Diploma or Certificate is valid, can only be done by contacting the Organisation who was responsible for issuing it.

How to do it:

On each Diploma or Certificate you will have an identification code, the structure of the code is:


·  XX – the Country ISO 2 digits code;

·  ZZZZZ – Qualification or Certification acronym, e.g.: EWE or EWI-S or CEWE;

·   YYYY – unique serial number

Knowing the ISO 2 digits Country code, you will identify the Country where the Diploma or Certificate was issued, the contacts can be seen on -  for qualification or the link  for the certification 

After opening the link, choose the country and open it, and you will have the contacts. Send to the organisation the pdf of the Diploma or Certificate or at least the Diploma or Certificate identification code, and request to verify if the document is valid or not.

If the Organisation is not currently in activity you shall contact the Management Team –


2.How to access an EWF Qualification?


EWF does not perform any training program.

The training is performed by the National Organisations that have been authorised by EWF to implement it, the so called ANBs.

To access any training qualification, it is necessary to contact the ANB that it is more suitable for the situation (e.g. the closest ANB, ANB of the work location, etc).

The contacts of all ANBs can be seen on the link -


3. Which are the existing EWF guidelines for training and certification?


EWF currently has guidelines for Qualification and Certification in the areas of Additive Manufacturing, Welding and Allied Processes.

·        Qualification for Additive Manufacturing:

·        Qualification for Welding and Allied Processes:

·        Certification for Welding and Allied Processes: