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General Assembly, November 2017



EWF is governed by the General Assembly, which represents all the member organisations. It's composed by the members of the association and has full power for accomplishing its objectives.

Stefano Morra
: President
Was elected EWF President on 18 October 2022 for the period 2023-2025
Technical Manager at Istituto Italiano della Saldatura IIS (Italy)
: Vice-President
Was elected EWF Vice-President on 18 October 2022 for the period 2023-2025
Director at NIL (Nederlands Instituut voor Lastechniek)
Rute Ferraz
: Chief Executive / Management Team
EWF Chief Executive/Management Team
Martin Lehman
: Director
Head of Training and Certification in DVS e.V. and CEO of DVS ZERT GmbH (Germany)
Clare McGrath
: Director
CSWIP Scheme Manager & Head of Personnel Certification at TWI Certification Ltd
: Treasurer
General Director of CESOL (Asociación Española de Soldadura y Tecnologías de Unión)
Michal Kubica
: Past President
Was elected EWF President on 21 November 2019 for the period 2020-2022
Now is acting as EWF Past President


Convenor: Juan Rosell
Terms of Reference:
The EWF International Joining Qualification and Certification Council - IJQCC, is set up by the General Assembly for covering several areas of competence: Standardization, Certification, Training and Qualification in the welding, joining and cutting fields and EWF System Rules. Each area of competence consists of several working groups implying a continuous activity, without any time limit. It consists of the Chairman of the Technical Committee, a convenor per area of competence and the representatives of the members and Working Groups.


Convenor: Philippe Leca
Terms of Reference:
Develops, maintains and updates the EWF System for Qualification of Personnel to keep it consistent with the European rules and industry needs, assure consistency of the overall EWF system and keep liaisons with the personnel certification schemes.


Convenor: Emanuele Gandolfo
Terms of Reference:
Develops the strategy for the EWF System for Certification of Personnel and Companies in line with the European Standards, directives and industry needs; assures consistency of the EWF Certification Schemes with EU legislation.


Convenor: Tobias Rosado
Terms of Reference:
Identifies the welding standards which are worthy to the EWF members; not only related to the certification/qualification of welding and inspection personnel as well as schemes for the certification of FPC and another European standards/directives that might have a direct influence in the activities carried out by the EWF members. Assists EWF members in implementing and developing new areas of intervention related to standards/directives.


Convenor: Italo Fernandes
Terms of Reference:
Ensures the update of EWF rules and requirements for Personnel Qualification and Certification (PCS) according to the EWF developments; develops the EWF Operational System documents depicting the EWF organizational structure and terms of reference for each body.


Convenor: Eurico Assunção
Terms of Reference:
EU Projects, collaboration between European Organizations, EU Rules and instruments. Assist EWF members in developing project proposals and facilitate the dissemination of upcoming European project calls.
Rute Ferraz
General Manager
Eurico Assunção
Deputy Director


Pedro Catarino
The International Additive Manufacturing Qualification Council (IAMQC) is set up by the general assembly, composed of ewf members and ewf non-members with AM capabilities, for covering the following areas of competence in AM technologies: training, qualification and rules.

IAMQC has thus the responsibility for supervising the developments and implementation of the International AM System for Qualification of Personnel, to keep it consistent with the European rules and industry needs and assure consistency of the overall EWF system. Also, the IAMQC ensures the update of guidelines, rules and procedures of the system, by appointing AM Working Groups.