Frequently Asked Questions

Policy Makers

Q1- What is the added value for students and trainees to get a qualification from the IAMQS?

A1- One of the main advantages for a trainee or student in becoming qualified within the IAMQS is the international recognition of the awarded diploma.

Benefits for Trainees and /or students:

  •        Access to an internationally recognized AM Qualification System;
  •        Worldwide mobility and professional recognition;
  •        AM Qualifications is in line with industrial requirements and in compliance with Qualification of Personnel Standards under ISO and ASTM;
  •        Award International AM Diplomas recognized by Industry;
  •        Awarding of a Record of Achievement per completed Modules / Competence Units;
  • Quality Assurance in the implementation of training & assessment (EWF Quality Assurance System - Based on ISO 17024).

Q2- Is the system harmonised and is the training consistent among different countries?

A2- Yes, the IAMQS assures harmonised knowledge, skills, autonomy and responsibility for any holder of a diploma, in any region of the world.

The harmonisation of AM training for different professional levels is possible among different countries because:

  • Training guidelines describe the learning outcomes, contents and recommended hours and workload of training;
  • Assessment procedures and tools are harmonised and performed by a third-party organisation;
  • Rules and requirements are defined for training organisations that implement the Systems’ training Guidelines;

The quality assurance system, underpinning the IAMQS, guarantees its relevance, competitiveness and harmonisation.

Q3- Why is the system considered to be international and not European? 

A3- The IAMQS is used in several counties, and although the focus is to ensure the European and national implementation of the System, AM is applied by different industries worldwide, which better accept the “international” term as they are strongly connected to international Standards.

According to European Commission, an International Qualification” is a qualification awarded by a legally established international body (association, organisation, sector or company) or by a national body acting on behalf of an international body that is used in more than one country and that includes learning outcomes assessed with reference to standards established by an international body)”. Source: (, annex 1 definitions; d)

The IAMQS covers:

  •          One or more qualifications awarded by a legally established international body (association, organisation, sector or company) or by a national body acting on behalf of an international body (In this case EWF)
  •          One or more qualifications awarded in more than one country and that includes learning outcomes assessed with reference to standards established by an international body)”.


In March 2021, a cooperation agreement was signed between IIW (the International Welding Institute) and EWF regarding the IAMQS, in order to be used by IIW Members. Since, both organisations are cooperating in the implementation, promotion and development of the IAMQS and its Qualification Guidelines.

The agreement allows IIW members to benefit from IAMQS and help implement a solid qualification network worldwide.

Q4- Which countries are implementing the IAMQS?

A4 - The IAMQS is represented in France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, United Kingdom, Germany, Türkiye, Malaysia and Japan.

The AM Skills Strategy Roadmap foresees the to expand the network of training centres and national rollout of the IAMQS amongst more EU countries, including EU13.

AM Sector Skills Strategy booklet

Q5- How does the IAMQS interact with the EU institutions?

A5- The system is interacting with EU institutions at different levels as an expert consultant and observer.

IAMQS interaction with EU Institutions is related to the following activities:

  •          Benchmarking of best-practices in terms of skills needs and qualifications development
  •          Providing technological and pedagogical information, specially linked with skills, needs, occupations and AM technological trends
  •          Collaboration in experts' groups as adviser and observers
  •          Regular communication and collaboration with European, national and regional policy makers

Similar interactions take place with National Qualifications Systems. 


Q1 - What does it mean to be an AM ANB (e.g. scope of activity, geographical coverage, target audience)?

A1- An AM Authorised Nominated Body (AM ANB) is an organisation that has been assessed and authorised by EWF in accordance with EWF rules for the IAMQS, guidelines, requirements and business plan.

AM ANBs scope of activity is linked with the teaching subjects (as Guidelines, Qualification levels or Competence Units) and in a specific approved area, which they are able to supervise, according to their expertise and capabilities. Their target audience is Industry and training bodies.

Q2 – What are the benefits of becoming an AM ANB? 
A2 - The AM Authorised Nominated Bodies (AM ANBs) are the unique organisations authorised by EWF to supervise the implementation of the IAMQS, for an approved scope of activity and in a specific approved area, by carrying out audits to ensure that their Approved Training Bodies (ATBs) are complying with the IAMQS Quality Assurance rules.

Q3- What are my  responsibilities and role as an AM ANB?