

SAM Blueprint project fiche is available on Cedefop

SAM Blueprint project fiche is available on Cedefop's webportal!

Last month, the technical sheet and some results of the SAM (Sector Skills Strategy in Additive Manufacturing) project were launched on the CEDEFOP Skills Intelligence portal, which is gathering all the information on occupations, sectors, countries, and skills needed by the labour market. The same portal is now dedicated to gather strategic education projects results.

The SAM project is a Blueprint project, coordinated by EWF, which started in January 2019 and will end this year in June. It was created with the objective of developing a Skills Strategy for Additive Manufacturing providing solutions capable of fostering and supporting the growth, innovation and competitiveness of the AM sector by implementation. 

Understanding skills trends and developments at sectoral level is critical for designing suitable approaches to support stakeholders in overcoming challenges and opportunities in skills anticipation and formation. 

EU-funded initiatives, such as those under the Blueprints for sectoral cooperation on skills, bring together stakeholders to develop sectoral skills intelligence supported by education and training solutions. Explore the key outputs of such EU-funded projects through the Cedefop portal.  

Interested to learn more about SAM project?

Visit the website at: