

EWF General assembly May 2022

EWF GA 2022

On 24 May in Madrid the 60th EWF General Assembly took place in a hybrid mode with some members participating face to face, for the first time after two years.

It was very good to meet again in person in Madrid, hosted by CESOL, the EWF member in Spain, to whom we thank for the excellent hospitality!

EWF members discussed further developments of the International Harmonized Qualification and Certification Systems in Joining and International Additive Manufacturing Qualification System – IAMQS.

Strategic matters were analysed ensuring that EWF continues to develop actions to progress in new activity areas.

EWF is commemorating its 30 anniversary during the year and invites all to the celebration event that will be held in Lisbon from 17th to 21st October, including the 1st Annual International Additive Manufacturing Conference organized jointly by ASME and EWF.

See you all in Lisbon!