3rd IIW International Congress of Welding, Additive Manufacturing and associatedNondestructive Testing

It is our great pleasure to announce that the 3rd IIW International Congress of Welding, Additive Manufacturing and associated Nondestructive Testing will be held online on 8 and 9 June 2022.
Join this online event addressing latest cutting-edge advancements on additive manufacturing, welding and NDT dedicated to industry
All informations can be found here:
The conference includes keynotes, lectures, e-poster session and online exhibition.
The conference will have thematic sessions on the following specific or emerging topics:
• Weldability and welding processes
• Brazing and soldering
• Wire-based additive manufacturing
• Powder-based additive manufacturing
• Design, Modeling and simulation
• Material characterization, fatigue and fracture
• Alternative routes for metal processing and #assembly
• Nondestructive testing: online, offline
• Robotization and process optimization
• Process monitoring
• Related equipment and consumables
• Electronics, sensing and actuation
• Standards, qualification and certification
• Artificial intelligence: machine learning (simple and deep), expert systems, data management, etc.
• High performance metallic #materials including multi-material design for properties gradient (Functionally Graded Materials-FGM)