

HSE-Joining: Training tools for safe working environments

Interactive training video for safe working environments - HSE-Joining

Health safety and the environment in joining is often a subject disregarded by most professionals in the sector, and sometimes, the hazards that the workers are exposing to are misunderstood or unknown.
As a partner in campaigns organised by OSHA-EU (European Union information agency for occupational safety and health) and as a representative of the EU Welding Institutes, EWF outlines the importance to prevent hazards in the workplace caused by the regular exposure of joining professionals to fume, radiation, noise and vibration. 

At this moment welding is a sector for which the professionals have no European or International standards for environment and safety to address. Involved in the HSE Joining project, EWF supports the development of a curriculum for training in joining.

HSE-Joining Consortium Meeting
On 1st and 2nd of March, a consortium meeting took place in Genoa.
The meeting was organised and hosted by IIS. The working group composed of members of four different countries (BE, PT, IT, RO) discussed the development of training materials on this subject.
HSE Joining objective is to develop new training materials with Information and Communication Technologies, including the development of an interactive game.
The aim is to provide a broader scope of information and training tools on Health, Safety and Environment to joining professionals to increase safe working environments.

If you are interested in receiving details of the project or being involved in the development of the educational interactive game, then please contact us.