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 EWF Personnel Certification Scheme for European Plastics Welder

Why is it important to certify Plastics Welders?
  • This Certification Scheme provides a way to assess and recognize job competence for the plastics welder.
  • It defines the profile of skill that covers the range of plastic welding processes and materials covered within EN 13067.
  • The modular format has been designed to accommodate a ‘mix and match’ approach to suit the variety of needs within the plastics industry
  • Certification is concerned with current competence rather than historical attainment and periodic renewal as per the applicable standard or code required.
  • It increases national and international business potential of companies through demonstrated compliance with the plastics welder requirements as defined in EN 13067.
(scheme - steps for certification)

1For further information regarding the ANBs approved to award Personnel Certifications consult the EWF/IIW ANBs List here.